When trade school, entrepreneurship, or apprenticeship is your choice. 


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When trade school or another route is best for you:

  • UniversityReady provides an overview of what you should be doing throughout high school to prepare for your career. Included is an introduction to the wide variety of options available, the best routes to get there with specific deadlines and guides on how to get started.
  • Preparing for your future can be overwhelming. At UniversityReady we strive to make your dream a reality with a well-planned and organized approach. We offer advice on how you can apply boundaries and structure to this otherwise daunting task.
  • We will show you how to tailor your application, essays, and high-school curriculum to specifically make yourself marketable, whether you are interested in trade school, entrepreneurship or apprenticeship. Includes a detailed explanation of how the application process works, and different options that are available to you.
  • You will receive details on credits and requirements for a college transfer should you decide to further your education. Including information on the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
  • Let us take the guesswork out of test-taking by explaining the structure of the standardized entrance exams, test-taking strategies, and recommendations on test preparation methods. 
  • We will take a thorough look at the options available to help finance your education.

Join UniversityReady today! We look forward to starting the journey together as we begin mapping out a course for your career success. 


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